Westchester Gaming Group RPG & Boardgaming in Westchester, New York |
The Westchester Gaming Group (WGG) is an established club that meets in Tarrytown and environs. We have been gaming together since 1998 and currently have over 100 members. Of those, we have various subgroups that play boardgames and role-playing games (RPGs).
Our boardgame players usually meet Tuesday evenings in White Plains and sometimes on the weekend in Croton-on-Hudson. We mostly play "European-style" hobby board and card games, such as Settlers of Catan. There's also a Northern Westchester Boardgame Group that meets on the second Monday of each month at the Mohegan Lake Barnes & Noble in Cortlandt. Our RPG players meet a couple times each week for different campaigns and systems. The current campaigns are Dungeons & Dragons, d20 Modern, Earthdawn and Aria RPG. In the past, we have played GURPS, Ars Magica, and Dark Slugworld (don't ask). Alec hosts a Neverwinter Nights (multiplayer D&D computer game) Team PvP Arena called Bastions of War. The web site is at www.bastionsofwar.com. We are always looking for new players for boardgaming and/or RPG campaigns. If you're interesting in meeting us, please join our mailing list. You can email Alec if you have questions. Last Updated: Mar 2008 The Westchester Gaming Group mailing list is powered by Yahoo Groups. You can subscribe by using the form below or emailing westchester_gaming_group-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. The mailing list Yahoo web page includes our message archive and calendar.
The Westchester Gaming Group is a Funagain Games Associate. It's where we buy our games, and it's also a great resource for game reviews and information. You can go directly to Funagain's homepage or visit our Associates page for our game recommendations and the entire catalog. Happy shopping! Below is a short (ha!) list of the games our group owns and plays (last updated in 2003).
4th Dimension, Acquire, Adel Verpflichtet , Advanced Civilization, Africa, Aladdin's Dragons, Albion: Land of Faerie, Amazing Labyrinth, APBA Major League Baseball 50th Aniv. Ed., Apples to Apples, Aquarius, Artifact, Asteroid, Awful Green Things, Axis & Allies, Axis & Allies Europe, Axis & Allies Pacific, Babel, Babylon 5 CGS, Barbarian, Barbarian Kings, Battle of the Bands, Battlemist, Bitin' Off Hedz, Blood Royale, Bohnanza, Beest, Boneyard, Bongo, Brawl, Buck Rodgers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cafe International, Call my Bluff, Canasta Caliente, Can't Stop, Car Wars, Carcassonne (with River Tiles and Expansion), Cartagena, Castle, Chez Dork, Chez Geek, Chill: Black Morn Manor, Chrononauts, Citadel of Blood, Citadels, Cities & Knights of Catan & 5-6 Player Expansion, Civilization, Clue: The Great Museum Caper, Conquistador, Corporation, Corruption, Cosmic Encounter, Cosmic Wimpout, Creature that Ate Sheboygan, Crokinole, Cults Across America, Dark Sources, Dark Tower, Das Amulett, Deadwood, Democrazy, Demons, Devil Bunny Hates the Earth, Die Mauer (The Wall), Die Siedler von Catan: Historische Szenarien I, Die Siedler von Catan: Historische Szenarien II, Dilbert Corporate Shuffle, Diminishing Returns, Dino Hunt, Diplomacy, Divine Right, Draco & Co., Dragon Delta, Dragonmaster, Dragon's Gold, Drakon, Dune, Dungeon, eBay: The Card Game, eBay Electronic Talking Auction Game, El Grande & Expansions, Elfenland, Elixir, Elric, Emerald. Empires in Arms, Enchanted Forest, Escape from Altassar, Escape from Elba, Evo, Face-it, Fairy Meat, Falling, Flowerpower, Fluxx, Formula De, Fortress America, Frag, Frank's Zoo, Freedom in the Galaxy, Frog Juice, G.E.V., G.O.O.T.M.U., Galaxy: The Dark Ages, Gammarauders, Gargon, Ghost Chase in Canterville Castle, Gipf, Girl Genius: The Works, Give Me the Brain, Globbo, Gnumies, Great Dalmuti, Great Khan Game, Guillotine, Hacker Deluxe, Halloween Party, Hare & Tortoise, Hera & Zeus, History of the World (2001 version), History of the World (Original Version), Ghost Party (a.k.a. Hugo, a.k.a. Midnight Party), Igel Ärgern (Hedgehogs in a Hurry), Illuminati, Insecta, Intruder, Invasion of the Air-Eaters, Iron Dragon, Ivanhoe, Java, Kahuna, Kill Doctor Lucky, King of the Elves, King of the Mountain, King of the Tabletop, Kings & Things, Kremlin, Kung Fu 2100, La Citta, Last Frontier: The Vesuvius Incident, Limits, Lord of the Fries Deluxe, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, Lord of the Rings: The Search, Lost Cities, Lunch Money, Mad Scientist, Mage Knight Dungeons, Magic : The Gathering CCG, Magic Realm, Maginor, Mahjongg, Make Your Own Change Night, Mama Mia, Meander, Melee/Wizard, Mertwig's Maze, Metro, Middle Earth: The Wizards CCG, Mississippi Queen & Black Rose Expansion, Modern Art, Movie Mania, Mu & Mehr, Munchkin, Mystery Rummy #1: Jack the Ripper, Mystery Rummy #2: Murder in the Rue Morgue, Mystery Rummy #3: Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde, N.Y. Chase, Nuclear War (with Nuclear Escalation Expansion Deck), Nur Peanuts!, OGRE, Once Upon A Time, Pentantastar, Pente, Pico, Pit, Planet Busters, Princes of Florence, Quo Vadis?, Ra, Rescue from the Hive, Risk, Risk 2210 A.D., Rivets, Robo Rally, Robots, Runngus' Game (with Awful Green Things…), San Marco, Samurai, Scrabble, Seafarers of Catan & 5-6 Player Expansion, Search for the Emperor's Treasure, Sequence, Set, Settlers of Catan & 5-6 Player Expansion, Settlers of Catan Card Game, Shipwrecked, Shogun/Samurai Swords, Silberzwerg (Silver Dwarf), Simply Cosmic, Simpsons Trivia Game, Snit's Revenge, Space Beans, Space Hulk, Spammers, Spies!, Squad Leader, Starfarers of Catan & 5-6 Player Expansion, Starfire, Starleader Assault, Starship Catan, Starship Troopers, Star Trek: Starship Tactical Combat Simulator, Star Trek: The Game, Star Wars: Clash of the Lightsabers, Star Wars: Epic Duels, Star Wars: The Queen's Gambit, Starbase Jeff, Stratego Legends, Supremacy, Survival, Survive!, Survivor Game, Swordquest, Taboo, Taj Mahal, Talisman, Tenjo, Top Secret Spies, Through the Desert, Tigris & Euphrates, Tikal, Time War, Tip the Cows, Titan, Titan: The Arena, Tock, Torres, Trick r' Treat, Trivial Pursuit, Twilight Imperium, Twilight War, Ubi, Udder Madness, Urland, Valkenburg Castle, Vinci, Vino, War of the Ring, Warlords CCG, Web of Power, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Wiz War, Wizard, Wizard Kings, Wyatt Earp, Yeti Slalom, You're Bluffing, Zertz, Zombies!!!, Zaubercocktail See the www.usticke.org Other Useful Sites page for Gaming Links. |
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