

Saffy's Liver Condition

Diary June & July 2002

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Jun 25 2002 News: Wow.  June zipped right by.  Saffy is doing fine, so updates will be much less frequent.

Saffy is now ten months old and five months post transplant.  Her home nursing care was discontinued last week, since she is now breathing and feeding without difficulty.  She is currently taking nine medications and attends transplant clinic every three weeks.  Her next CT scan to watch for tumor recurrence will probably occur in August.

Saffy keeps busy with her physical therapy sessions three times a week.  She can now roll over both ways and even puts her toes in her mouth.  She spends more time on her tummy and can hold her head up well.  Her next goal will be sitting up by herself.

Saffy is also babbling a lot more.  She likes to experiment with different sounds and will soon start speech/feeding therapy.

While Saffy's exposure to people must be limited since she is immunocompromised, she has enjoyed some trips outside the house.  She attended a Star Wars exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and took a weekend trip with her parents.  She got to meet her oldest cousin, Lucas, and hopes to meet more of her eight or so cousins at Grandma Pan's 13th annual July 4th Party.  She is also excited that she will no longer be the youngest cousin when she soon becomes a big sister, and her Uncle John has his fifth child in a couple months.

Saffy Saffy with Stormtrooper


At the BMA

Saffy Saffy

Head up

Yummy fingers

Jul 17 2002 News: Saffy is doing just dandy.  She had fun at Grandma's July 4th Party and got to meet most of her cousins.  Sunday will be six months since her transplant and Mommy's birthday.

Saffy & Mommy Saffy

With Mommy in front of aquarium

Getting physical therapy

Saffy Saffy



This diary is no longer updated, so please see Saffy's other pages and the Usticke Family Blog.


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